
redis-py supports RedisTimeSeries which is a time-series-database module for Redis.

This example shows how to handle timeseries data with redis-py.

Health check#

import redis

r = redis.Redis(decode_responses=True)
ts = r.ts()


Simple example#

Create a timeseries#


Add samples to the timeseries#

We can either set the timestamp with an UNIX timestamp in milliseconds or use * to set the timestamp based en server’s clock.

ts.add("ts_key", 1657265437756, 1)
ts.add("ts_key", "1657265437757", 2)
ts.add("ts_key", "*", 3)

Get the last sample#

(1657272304448, 3.0)

Get samples between two timestamps#

The minimum and maximum possible timestamps can be expressed with respectfully - and +.

ts.range("ts_key", "-", "+")
[(1657265437756, 1.0), (1657265437757, 2.0), (1657272304448, 3.0)]
ts.range("ts_key", 1657265437756, 1657265437757)
[(1657265437756, 1.0), (1657265437757, 2.0)]

Delete samples between two timestamps#

print("Before deletion: ", ts.range("ts_key", "-", "+"))
ts.delete("ts_key", 1657265437756, 1657265437757)
print("After deletion:  ", ts.range("ts_key", "-", "+"))
Before deletion:  [(1657265437756, 1.0), (1657265437757, 2.0), (1657272304448, 3.0)]
After deletion:   [(1657272304448, 3.0)]

Multiple timeseries with labels#

ts.create("ts_key2", labels={"label1": 1, "label2": 2})

Add samples to multiple timeseries#

ts.madd([("ts_key1", "*", 1), ("ts_key2", "*", 2)])
[1657272306147, 1657272306147]

Add samples with labels#

ts.add("ts_key2", "*", 2,  labels={"label1": 1, "label2": 2})
ts.add("ts_key2", "*", 2,  labels={"label1": 3, "label2": 4})

Get the last sample matching specific label#

Get the last sample that matches “label1=1”, see Redis documentation to see the posible filter values.

[{'ts_key2': [{}, 1657272306457, 2.0]}]

Get also the label-value pairs of the sample:

ts.mget(["label1=1"], with_labels=True)
[{'ts_key2': [{'label1': '1', 'label2': '2'}, 1657272306457, 2.0]}]

Retention period#

You can specify a retention period when creating timeseries objects or when adding a sample timeseries object. Once the retention period has elapsed, the sample is removed from the timeseries.

retention_time = 1000
ts.create("ts_key_ret", retention_msecs=retention_time)
import time
# this will be deleted in 1000 milliseconds
ts.add("ts_key_ret", "*", 1, retention_msecs=retention_time)
print("Base timeseries:                     ", ts.range("ts_key_ret", "-", "+"))
# sleeping for 1000 milliseconds (1 second)
print("Timeseries after 1000 milliseconds:  ", ts.range("ts_key_ret", "-", "+"))
Base timeseries:                      [(1657272307670, 1.0)]
Timeseries after 1000 milliseconds:   [(1657272307670, 1.0)]

The two lists are the same, this is because the oldest values are deleted when a new sample is added.

ts.add("ts_key_ret", "*", 10)
ts.range("ts_key_ret", "-", "+")
[(1657272308849, 10.0)]

Here the first sample has been deleted.

Specify duplicate policies#

By default, the policy for duplicates timestamp keys is set to “BLOCK”, we cannot create two samples with the same timestamp:

ts.add("ts_key", 123456789, 1)
    ts.add("ts_key", 123456789, 2)
except Exception as err:
TSDB: Error at upsert, update is not supported when DUPLICATE_POLICY is set to BLOCK mode

You can change this default behaviour using duplicate_policy parameter, for instance:

# using policy "LAST", we keep the last added sample
ts.add("ts_key", 123456789, 2, duplicate_policy="LAST")
ts.range("ts_key", "-", "+")
[(123456789, 2.0), (1657272304448, 3.0)]

For more informations about duplicate policies, see Redis documentation.

Using Redis TSDB to keep track of a value#

ts.add("ts_key_incr", "*", 0)

Increment the value:

for _ in range(10):
    ts.incrby("ts_key_incr", 1)
    # sleeping a bit so the timestamp are not duplicates
ts.range("ts_key_incr", "-", "+")
[(1657272310241, 0.0),
 (1657272310533, 1.0),
 (1657272310545, 2.0),
 (1657272310556, 3.0),
 (1657272310567, 4.0),
 (1657272310578, 5.0),
 (1657272310589, 6.0),
 (1657272310600, 7.0),
 (1657272310611, 8.0),
 (1657272310622, 9.0),
 (1657272310632, 10.0)]

How to execute multi-key commands on Open Source Redis Cluster#

import redis

r = redis.RedisCluster(host="localhost", port=46379)

# This command should be executed on all cluster nodes after creation and any re-sharding
# Please note that this command is internal and will be deprecated in the future
r.execute_command("timeseries.REFRESHCLUSTER", target_nodes="primaries")

# Now multi-key commands can be executed
ts = r.ts()
ts.add("ts_key1", "*", 2,  labels={"label1": 1, "label2": 2})
ts.add("ts_key2", "*", 10,  labels={"label1": 1, "label2": 2})
[{'ts_key1': [{}, 1670927124746, 2.0]}, {'ts_key2': [{}, 1670927124748, 10.0]}]